Choosing Good Over Evil

In the Ramchal’s book, דרךה׳, The Way of G-d, he speaks of the importance of acknowledging and accepting G-d’s Kingship by reciting the words שמע ישראל ה׳ אלוקינו ה׳ אחד.

The reason why this is so important is because when Hashem’s authority is confessed by all mankind, every type of good and prosperity exists in the world. Blessings are increased, and the world abides in peace.

The Ramchal goes on to say that when servants rebel, and do not subjugate themselves to G-d and recognize His Authority, then good is lacking, darkness prevails, and evil dominates.

This expresses in a nutshell, why the world is in such a bad state. Serious problems will continue to exist when man believes that his rules and assessment of right and wrong, overrules G-d’s rules. The world is given over to Evil rather than Good. It is sad that something so basic and fundamental, is rejected by the masses.


Yearning of Soul


Ayin Hara