Yearning of Soul

The Ramchal, Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, discusses the conflict of man between his body and soul. The body longs for the physical, and the soul, the spiritual.

What is unique to all human beings is that they were created בצלם אלוקים, in the image of G-d. This is a clear reference to the soul placed in every individual. As a result of this soul possessing an aspect of the Divine, there is a natural yearning for the soul to attach itself to G-d.

This attachment for the Jew, comes with the observance of the 613 Mitzvot. For the Gentile, he only needs to observe the Seven Noachide Laws to achieve this connection of righteousness. This means that every human being has an innate longing to be attached to G-d, each one according to his level. This connection brings a person to spiritual joy, which is lasting and permanent. Physical pleasure of the body is momentary and fleeting.

If the words of the Ramchal are true, it is not difficult to understand why the world is messed up. Instead of connecting to G-d, the masses are seeking substitute beliefs, that will only lead to futility.

If it is happiness that people are looking for, it cannot be found if Hashem is removed from the equation.


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