Fear of Losing Connection

In פרשת עקב, Moshe Rabbeinu asks what it is that Hashem asks of us. He answers that we are expected among other things לירא את ה׳, to fear G-d.

Rabbi Twerski mentioned that it is immature to define “fear” as fear of punishment. He explains that a better way of understanding this יראה, is that we should be afraid of losing our special bond with Hashem. This could happen when a person sins. Each infraction, creates a barrier or distance between us and Him. It is important to understand how vital this bond is to our very existence. We should view this connection as being similar to one who is drowning, and is holding on to a rope, to stay afloat. Losing the grip of the rope comes when there is disconnect in our attachment to G-d.

When we realize just how essential it is to our very existence, we will work very hard in our יראת ה׳, so that we do lose our grip on the rope.


Good Judgement


Blessing Hashem for Everything