Produce and Redemption

Shavua Tov-

This week’s Parsha speaks about the תוכחה, the rebuke, with it’s numerous curses. Among them, is the promise that the land will refuse to produce as long as the people continue to turn away from Hashem.

The Gemara at the end of מסכת סנהדרין, gives us an amazing promise of hope. The prediction that in the time of Redemption, is not anything small at all.

The connection between the Jewish people and the land, is very powerful. Not only would the land refuse to produce for the Jewish people, it would also not produce for the nations of the world.

The Gemara says that one of the strongest signs that the Galut is coming to an end and the Redemption is near.

The fact that we are living in a time when we are privileged to enjoy the produce of Eretz Yisrael, should encourage us each day of how the שכינה, the Divine Presence has returned to Israel and Mashiach. From the curse, there is hope!


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