Absolute Faith

This Shabbat we complete the Book of ויקרא with the double Parsha of בהר-בחוקותי. The first Parsha begins with the laws of שמיטה, the Sabbatical year.

The classic question is why is שמיטה given as an example of a Mitzva given on Mount Sinai. Aren’t all Mitzvot given on הר סיני?

Shmitta is unique in that its laws were not repeated in the Book of דברים. It becomes a Torah law when the majority of the Jews in the world live in Israel. This could explain why we will experience certain leniences when Shmitta begins this Rosh Hashana as the laws are rabbinical.

Most commentators felt that Shmitta stands out above all Mitzvot because of the complete reliance on Hashem that is expected of the Jew. Imagine an entire year where work is not done and we are not supposed to worry about Parnassa during that entire time. We are to have the faith that Hashem will provide. This is a big נסיון, test, to have such faith.

This is why Shmitta is so unique and it is a reminder that we should always place our faith in G-d and never worry about Parnassa.


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