Holy Sleep
Shavua Tov-
Rabbi Twerski has an unusual take on one aspect of Yakov Avinu’s dream. He points out that when he woke up from his sleep, he realized that Hashem was in that place.
The realization that he made after not sleeping for fourteen years in the Yeshiva of Shem and Eiver, is that sleep can be a holy act. Yakov suddenly realized that a rejuvenated body, is better able to serve Hashem.
Therefore, when one goes to sleep and he thinks that he’s sleeping because he needs sleep, it is a mundane act. But when he is consciously aware that his sleep will better allow him to serve Hashem, sleeping becomes a holy act.
Mishlei also makes such a reference when Shlomo Hamelech points out that when we sleep the amount needed, it is serving Hashem. But when we increase sleep when not needed, it is an act of laziness.
The message here is, בכל דרכיך דעהו, “In all your ways, know Him.” The goal is to elevate otherwise mundane activities to acts that serve G-d. A student of mine once said, “I didn’t brush my teeth just to brush my teeth. I did so that my mouth will be clean, when I say my prayers to Hashem.” He got the message.