Yakov’s Low Self Esteem

This week read פרשת ויצא and Yakov’s dream of the ladder and angels ascending and descending. There is a very difficult Midrash that days Yakov was told by G-d in the dream to ascend the ladder and not be afraid.

The Midrash explains that Yakov saw the mighty empires of Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and Rome, also ascending the ladder. Yakov was afraid that if he went up the ladder, he would have to descend. Despite Hashem’s promise that he would not fall, his fear overtook him, and he did not go up the ladder.

He was told that because of his lack of trust and giving in to his fears, his descendants will now have to suffer under the rulership of these four empires.

This seems like a very harsh punishment for his momentary lack of faith. Yakov thought that perhaps he lost his merits because of his sins. Avraham Avinu never had such doubts.

Rabbi Twerski wrote that Yakov’s actions reflect a sign of low self esteem where he is afraid to initiate, for fear of failure. Success occurs only when one has the strength to withstand failure.

There are so many lessons to be learned from our forefathers.


Holy Sleep


Don’t Cause Grief to Others