Celebrating No Jealousy

Rabbi Twerski pointed out that it was strange that Yosef and his brothers got drunk with him, when they were brought to his house. This was before he had revealed himself to his brothers. And we are told that none of them had touched any wine during the twenty two years since Yosef was sold into slavery.

The explanation for this strange behavior is connected with Binyamin receiving gifts five times more than the other brothers. Yosef was testing his brothers to see if they overcame their tendency towards jealousy. This, according to the Rambam, is proof that one has truly repented. He is confronted with the same temptation, but this time does not sin.

The drinking was a celebration that they had overcome the sin of jealousy. It may seem like a far fetched explanation, but there is a strong message here.

Jealousy is a tremendously harmful character flaw. It led to the exile to Egypt. But for us, one who is jealous of others, has no peace of mind. He can never be happy because he is focused on what others have. He is unable to be happy with his lot in life.

It is difficult for me to understand why this is not emphasized more in Jewish education. It would seem to be so basic, yet, so many fall victim to terrible negative personality trait.

Yosef’s brothers succeeded in overcoming jealousy. We need to do the same.


Being “In Denial”


Spreading טומאה