Jewish Unity
Shavua Tov and Purim Sameach-
A major theme of Purim is Jewish unity. Haman convinced Achashveirosh that it was a good idea to annihilate the Jews because they were מפוזר ומפורד, “separated and scattered.”
To counteract this claim, the Jews needed to be united. The Gemara in מסכת מגילה claims that the placing of the royal signet ring on the finger of Haman, did more than the pleadings of forty eight male prophets and seven female prophets.
The Jewish people knew that they must repent and join together. Esther told Mordechai to כנוס את היהודים, to gather the Jews in prayer and repentance.
All of this explains why the Mitzvot of Purim include מתנות לאביונים, money for the poor, and משלוח מנות, the sending of gifts of food to one another.
We must never underestimate the power of Jewish Unity. When we have it, combined with faith in Hashem, no power on earth can harm us. Purim Sameach!