Spirit of Wisdom

Another point learned from our סוטה story is the motivation to sin. The Rabbis say that a person only sins if a spirit of folly overtakes him. He is temporarily in a state of foolishness where he loses all sense of right and wrong.

On the other hand, the Rabbis say that a person will decide to do a Mitzva when a רוח חכמה, a spirit of wisdom overtakes him and he realizes the merits of doing Mitzvot.

It is no coincidence that later in פרשת נשא we are told that when one does a transgression, despite the fact that he may have made retribution by returning what he stole, he must also verbalize his sin with וידוי, confession.

In general, it is difficult for people to verbally admit when they are wrong. But perhaps the necessity of confession will allow a person to come to his senses, and always let his spirit of wisdom guide him, and not the spirit of folly.


ברכת כהנים


Shalom Bayit