The נשיאים

Many commentators point out that the Torah has left out the letter, Yud, in the word נשיאים, which is written, נשיאם. This refers to the heads of the tribes and the reprimand they received in their role in the construction of the Mishkan.

These so called leaders had the wrong attitude in their roles as leaders of their respective tribes. They made it clear that their own contribution would come at the end, and they would supplement whatever was missing in materials needed to complete the Mishkan.

This did not look good, because there could have been a scenario where they would not have to contribute at all. They should have taken the initiative of giving first, and setting the example of generosity and enthusiasm in this sacred project.

Perhaps the method of “matching funds” as a method of raising funds, is not the ideal. On the one hand, their contribution will be as large or small as the amount that others give. But it is possible that this mentality is a good motivator to get people to give. I am not saying which method is preferred, but it is certain that much can be learned from the wrongful attitude of the נשיאים in building the Mishkan.


משכן העדות

