משכן העדות
It interesting to note that the משכן is referred to as the משכן העדות, the Mishkan of Testimony. We also find that the Holy Ark is referred to as ארון העדות, the Ark of testimony.
Both the Mishkan as a whole, and the ארון, as an example of one of the holy vessels, testify to the truth of Hashem’s existence.
The connection between the two, also emphasizes the role that Torah is meant to play in our lives. It is only by way of intense study of the Torah, that we are able to see and experience, what is precious and sacred in this world.
When one immerses himself in Torah, he is given a clear picture of the holy and mundane. He better understands the weakness of human character. He realizes that the Torah protects him from the temptations and seductions of the secular world.
The Talmud in מסכת קידושין, speaks of our lifelong battle with the יצר הרע. The Gemara suggests that if the Evil Inclination tries to turn us away from the Torah, we should drag that מנוול, disgusting one, into the בית מדרש, the study hall. The Gemara continues, בראתי יצר הרע בראתי תורה תבלין, “I created the יצר הרע. I created Torah as its antidote.”
This is the ultimate purpose of the Mishkan. It is עדות, testimony, of the truth of Hashem, that is manifested when we embrace His holy Torah.