Lessons from Egypt
The time spent by the Jewish people in Egypt had many lessons for future exiles.
We see how the situation for Jews in a particular place could suddenly change from very good to very bad. As long as Yosef’s brothers were alive, Jews were treated well in Egypt. But after Levi died, ( he lived to the age of 137 ) the situation changed dramatically.
We also see how inexplicable anti-semitism is to explain. Often, when Jews were successful in a given place, this aroused jealousy which led to feelings of hatred for the Jews.
Rabbi Elie Munk in קול התורה, noted that in numerous countries, starting with Egypt, the good treatment of the Jews, helped that country become a super-power. When the Jews left, that country fell apart.
This was true in Egypt, and it was true in Spain. Rabbi Munk felt that America’s success has been largely because of the input of prominent of its Jewish citizens.
The bottom line to remember is that every place Jews lived in the Exile, it always ended in either, expulsion, assimilation, and annihilation. The only country with a real future, is Israel. Thank G-d, we now have an Israel that is home and available to all Jews.