ישמח משה
It is pretty much confirmed by the Midrash that Moshe Rabbeinu really was, “the prince of Egypt.” While he knew his biological mother, Yocheved, who nursed him for two years, and he knew he was a Jew, he did grow up in royalty.
The Torah tells us that ויגדל האיש, that the man grew up. At some point in his young adult life, he was no longer able to bear the mistreatment of Jews, and he emerged as Moshe Rabbeinu.
We are also taught by the Midrash that the Prince of Egypt, gave some good advice to his stepfather, Pharoah. He suggested that he would get much more productivity from his slaves if he gave them a day off each week. Pharoah tried this and it worked! There was more productivity in six days than by working seven days.
Later, when the Torah was given and Shabbat observance became a requirement, Moshe was pleased. It was as if he said, “Hey, I thought of Shabbat on my own, back in my palace days.”
Hence, we say in our Shabbat Shacharit prayers, “ישמח משה במתנת חלקו” that Moshe rejoiced with the gift of his portion.” This was referring to Shabbat.