Lessons from Holy Ark

Of all of the vessels that were built in the Mishkan, the one with the most sanctity, was the Aron Kodesh, or, “Holy Ark.”

It contained the second tablets of the Ten Commandments, as well as the pieces of the broken tablets. It also had a shelf, where a Torah scroll written by Moshe Rabbeinu was placed.

The lesson to be learned from this holiest vessel was honesty and integrity. This is why the Ark was built with gold on the inside and the outside. Usually, a carpenter will use more inferior material on the parts that are not seen. This was not the case with the Ark. There are many references in Scriptures that speak of G-d’s intolerance for the flatterers and those who speak falsehoods.

The Talmud says that just as the inside and outside of the Ark were the same, so must we be. One must not be אחד בפה ואחד בלב, say one thing with his mouth, and think something else in his heart.

It is fascinating that the Hebrew word for hyena is צבוע, pronounced, “Tzavo’ah.” The word for hypocrite, has the same spelling, צבוע, but is pronounced, “Tzavoo’ah.” The hyena sounds friendly with its laughter, but is a very dangerous animal.

Similarly, it is very dangerous when we mislead people and are dishonest. People are devastated when they put their trust in someone, and later are deeply disappointed by the insincerity and back stabbing.

The sight of the Aron Kodesh in the Temple as well as the replicas that we make in our synagogues, are clear symbols of sanctity and holiness. We must carry with us their message of purity, honesty, and integrity.


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