Moshe and Aharon

The beginning of the Parsha gives us the lineage of Moshe and Aharon. The Torah uses the words, הוא משה אהרון, “this was Moshe and Aharon,” the heroes of our exodus from Egypt.

There are places in the Torah where Moshe is listed first, and other times when Aharon is listed first. This is to teach us that they were very much equal in greatness.

It is so refreshing to read a story of unconditional love between brothers, with no jealousy at all. They truly were איש אחד בלב אחד, one man of one heart.

Their joint focus was on serving the Jewish people and bringing about their redemption as quickly as possible. There was no place for perttiness.

Moshe was totally fine with Aharon being the spokesman to Pharoah. And Aharon was fine with his younger brother being chosen to receive the Torah on Mount Sinai.

Too often we get distracted from the lofty goals at hand, and we allow our egos to get in the way of the cause at hand. Moshe and Aharon set the example as to how to avoid this and work together faithfully.


הכרת הטוב


Torah Protects from Pain