הכרת הטוב

From time to time, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of הכרת הטוב, recognizing the good that one does for us. It is a very ugly trait to be כפוי טובה, an ingrate.

The attitude of מגיע לי, which we would call a sense of entitlement, is contrary to basic Jewish principles.

This idea is learned from the manner in which the plagues were administered to the Egyptians. Moshe was unable to initiate the plagues to the water or the sand, because the water saved him as a baby, and the sand was used to hide the Egyptian that he killed. He was even commanded to show gratitude to inanimate objects.

It is very likely that society would be much better off if people were much more aware of the need to be appreciative and grateful for all that we have. Nobody likes to be taken for granted!


The problem with religion and it’s solution


Moshe and Aharon