Moshe’s Name Erased
The only Parsha in the Torah from the Book of Shemot until the end of the Torah, that Moshe Rabbeinu’s name does not appear, is Parshat Tetzave.
The classic explanation is that when Moshe prayed for forgiveness for the sin of the Golden Calf, he told Hashem that if they were not forgiven, מחני נא מספרך, “Erase my name from Your book.”
Instead of being erased from the entire Torah, one Torah portion was chosen where Moshe’s name did not appear. Rav Kook asked the question as to why the portion dealing with the priestly garments, was the one chosen to omit Moshe’s name.
The answer was hinted to by the Midrash that tells us that Moshe actually served as Kohein Hagadol for eight days prior to the dedication of the Mishkan. Unlike the other Kohanim, Moshe only wore a white robe, and did not wear any of the priestly garments.
This was because these garments were meant to serve as an atonement for the sin of the Golden Calf. Since Moshe was not involved with that sin, there was no need for him to wear any of these garments. Rav Kook claims that it was Moshe’s wish that his name not be connected in any way, to the sin of the Golden Calf. Parshat Tetzave would be the appropriate choice to leave out his name.