The High Priest

The position of Kohein Hagadol took on different names. Up until the end of the First Temple period, he was referred to as the כהן המשיח, the anointed Kohein. There remained an ample supply of anointing oil prepared by Moshe Rabbeinu himself until the end of this period.

The Kohein Hagadol of the Second Temple was no longer anointed with this oil. He was referred to as the Kohein that wore all of the eight special garments. This might explain why there were 302 High Priests during this period. 300 of them served for an average of one year, and Yochanan was Kohein Gadol for eighty years, and Shimon Hatzaddik, forty years. The Second Temple stood for 420 years.

Nevertheless, the role of the Kohein Hagadol, was to bring atonement to the people. This might explain why the accidental killer sent to a city of refuge, went free upon the death of the Kohein Hagadol.

The priestly garments were impressive and may have swayed Jewish History. Alexander the Great had a dream that he would meet the Kohein Hagadol in all of his splendor. When this came true when he met Shimon Hatzaddik, he pledged that he would always be good to the Jews. Until today, Jewish babies are named Alexander or Alexandra, in honor of Alexander the Great. This was the special power that existed in these holy garments. The role of the Kohein Hagadol was truly fascinating.


Moshe’s Name Erased