
Rabbi Twerski wrote very harshly about Yishmael and his descendants. Hagar was commanded to go back and be subservient to Sara. She was told she would have a son who would be a פרא אדם, like a wild ass. His hand will be in everything, and the hand of others on him.

In different generations, there were prophecies as to what the Jewish people will have to endure from the children of Yishmael.

Rabbi Twerski felt that “the hand of others will be on him,” refers to the period of time when the Arabs gained great domination of the world because of their oil. Onkelos was the one who alluded to this.

The חפץ חיים expressed concern as to what the ישמעאלים might do to us in the end of days. And the בעל הטורים was the most outspoken when he said the the Mashiach cannot come until these people fall, and lose their power.

What is most fascinating is that these prophecies have come true, when they were predicted so long ago.


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