Avoid Conflict

The incident of the dispute between the shepherds of Avraham and the shepherds of Lot, is most disturbing. At the end of the Pasuk, that speaks of this conflict, it says, והכנעני והפריזי אז יושב בארץ, that the Canaanite and Prizite nations were still dwelling in the land.

The question is what this has to do with the conflict between the shepherds. The answer is to emphasize that these decadent nations were able to get along, but Avraham and Lot’s shepherds could not.

We learn from here how far we must go to avoid מחלוקת and dissension. Sometimes it is better for so called close relatives to separate and distance themselves from one another, rather than argue and harbor bad feelings.

The Chofetz Chaim once said that he would close down ninety Yeshivot, rather than allow one iota of dissension.

And the late Jewish comedian, Milton Berle, once said, “Happiness is a warm loving family in another city!” Maybe Uncle Milty learned this from Avraham Avinu.




Gleaning from Relationships