
Another point of Mussar from פרשת עקב, is Moshe Rabbeinu’s warning to stay away from גאווה, arrogance. He warns that this is a potential outcome of being blessed with abundance.

A person is capable of forgetting that all that he has is a gift from Hashem. He may attribute his success to his own brilliance and abilities. Moshe reminds the people that every success is also a gift from Hashem. He gives us the power to succeed.

Clearly, this meant to eliminate a this ugly trait of entitlement, or, in Hebrew it is, מגיע לי, “I have it coming to me.” We must never forget that we deserve nothing, and everything is from G-d.

Moshe further reminds this idea to the people by telling them how rebellious they were on numerous occasions. It was only because of the evil of the other nations, and Hashem’s promise to our forefathers, that we were blessed.

Hashem has no patience for the בעל גאווה, the arrogant individual. His arrogance can cause his own self destruction. This is another important lesson of Mussar from פרשת עקב.


Grace After Meals


Humility and Surrender