Humility and Surrender

Shavua Tov-

Parshat עקב is probably the Parsha with the greatest emphasis on Mussar, discipline. Moshe Rabbeinu makes it very clear how a Jew must believe in order to achieve Hashem’s protection, closeness, and love.

The primary principle taught is that of ענווה, humility, and הכנעה, surrender, in our approach to the observance of Mitzvot. This is alluded to with the words, והיה עקב תשמעון, and if you will listen humbly.

Moshe details at great length all of the blessings that will come to one who surrenders to Hashem’s commandments. All that is asked is that one accept without questioning, the dictates of the Torah. If he does, so much good awaits him.

There will not only be personal protection, but there will also be protection on a national level. Hashem will strike fear in the hearts of the enemies of the Jewish people, and we will be safe.

As the Ramban wrote to his son, ענוה, humility, is the key to success in life. Remain humble and surrender to Hashem’s Torah, and there will be great blessing.




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