Dreaming of Dogs

Shavua Tov. Dogs are a subject of today’s Parsha. The Gemara in ברכות says that if one sees a dog in a dream, it will turn out to be a good omen.

This is provided that he immediately recites the Pasuk, לא יחרץ כלב לשונו, that the dogs in Egypt, did not bark during the Tenth Plague. The dream then becomes one of redemption.

The reason why it was somewhat miraculous that the dogs remained silent, was, according to the Midrash, that dogs always know when the מלאך המות, the Angel of Death, is lurking. They always cry and whimper when they feel its presence.

This was the miracle in Egypt that despite the presence of the Angel of Death, the dogs remained silent and were rewarded. Hence, dreaming of dogs and its subsequent Pasuk, is a positive sign.




קידוש החודש במצרים