The reward for the silence of the dogs in Egypt, was that the Torah told us that in the event that an animal became a טריפה, we are told, לכלב תשליכון אותו, to throw it to the dog.
One might mistakenly assume that one is forbidden to get benefit from the טריפה. (This refers to a kosher animal that had a good שחיטה but was found to be diseased.) And Hashem is giving a special reward to the dog, and this is the only use for a טריפה.
Actually, the נבילה (a kosher animal that died of a bad שחיטה or natural causes), is more strict than the טריפה. If one touches a נבילה, he becomes טמא, which is not the case by a טריפה.
The point I wanted to clarify that may not be so well known, is that both are מותר בהנאה, that one can get benefit from them.
Even by the נבילה, the Torah says in פרשת ראה that it can be given to לגר אשר בשעריך, to the resident stranger, the גר תושב who observes the Seven Noachide Laws.
This is meant to clarify some uncertainty about נבילה and טריפה.
In Israeli slang, when describing two crooks, (politicians?) one might say they are both bad with the words, זו נבילה וזו טריפה, meaning, they are both not kosher!