Hillel’s Patience
In פרשת במדבר, there are instructions regarding the Leviim and the dismantling of the Mishkan, and its reassembling. Once the אהל מועד, Tent of Meeting, is in place, it has holiness so that a non-Kohein, known as a זר, may not enter, under penalty of death, והזר הקרב יומת.
Many are unaware that there were actually three non-Jews who were rejected by Shamai, and ultimately, converted by Hillel. Aside from the one who asked to learn the Torah while standing on one foot, there were two others. One said he would accept the Written Law and not the Oral Law, and Hillel convinced him that both were necessary.
There was also the individual who said he would convert on condition he would be Kohein Gadol. Hillel told him to study the requirements to be the High Priest. When he came to the Pasuk, והזר הקרב יומת, and was told that this even applied to King David, he realized the foolishness of his request.
All three new converts got together and expressed their gratitude to Hillel for helping them have a life of meaning and purpose. Hillel was known for his patience and love for all Jews.
There is an interpretation that when Hillel was asked to teach the Torah על רגל אחת. The רגל was not meant as foot, but רגל, in terms of a pilgrimage festival. He was asking about the רגל of Shavuot, and its significance. Hillel said that the essence of this holiday was loving every Jew, ואהבת לרעך כמוך.
We know this because it says that when they camped at Mount Sinai, it was כאיש אחד בלב אחד, one man and one heart, and absolute love and unity, and real אהבת ישראל.