One Month Levi
The question was asked as to why the Tribe of Levi was counted from the age of one month, while all other tribes were counted from the age of twenty.
This question was answered by Rav Moshe Feinstein. He said that the age of twenty was the age of being inducted into the army. To become a soldier did not require a great deal of preparation. Basic training in the IDF is three months, for example.
The role of the Levi, on the other hand, is to devote his life to holiness and spirituality. This needs to start as early as infancy. It is a good idea to expose young children to the synagogue and holy places. They should learn simple Jewish songs of the Uncle Moishy variety. Even pictures on the walls of their bedroom should be of Jewish symbols and holy sites.
This is true today more than ever before, when there is so much out there that could lead a young Jew astray, G-d forbid.
The Torah alludes to this when we are instructed to count the young Levite males at one month. We must cherish our children and give them the protection they need, in order to follow the path of our ancestors. And it goes without saying that parents need to become the best role models, to see that this comes to fruition.0