Honest Judges
Yitro is known for his advice to Moshe regarding the appointment of judges. He felt that his son in-law was overworked, and needed to learn how to delegate work.
In all, 78,600 men were appointed to be judges in one capacity or another.
The description of the judges was that they were to be of the highest moral standards. They were to be men of truth, and men of valor. They were also meant to be שונאי בצע, those who hated bribes. Rashi adds that they were to be שונאים ממונם בדין, that they hated their own money, when it calm to judgement. They were to be people who were not influenced by money.
It appears that this is the most important character trait a judge or public figure should have. Ideally, one should already be a person of means, before taking on such positions.
Too often, politicians in particular, use their position as a means to gain wealth. If this is the case, their objectivity is deeply hampered. It is interesting that Yitro realized these obstacles. It would be wise, if this advise would be adhered to today.