Tisha B’Av Laws

It is important to know some of the differences in the Halachot of Tisha B’Av when it is נדחה, postponed to Sunday, which is actually, the Tenth of Av.

Generally, we are more lenient about giving out fasting exemptions. Pregnant or nursing mothers, or others suffering discomfort, may either not fast at all, or break it, if they are finding it difficult to fast.

Since Havdalah was not said at the start of the fast, the fast is broken with Havdalah. This includes one who broke his fast earlier, and breaking it at the regular time of 8 p.m., in Israel. We are allowed to make it on wine or grape juice, and it is similar to the מוצאי יום טוב Havdalah, of בורא פרי הגפן, and the Bracha that follows.

As soon as the fast is over, none of the “nine days” restrictions are in place. This means that shaving and listening to music is allowed. Only the eating of meat, must wait until Monday, even in the morning.

We are lenient because Tisha B’Av is already rabbinical, and fasting on Sunday is a rabbinical on a rabbinical. May we see the Redemption speedily in our time.


Message of Tisha B’Av


עיצה טובה