Message of Tisha B’Av
The Talmud in מסכת תענית, points to five events that occurred on Tisha B’Av, which is the reason for our fasting.
It was decreed on this day, after the sin of the spies, that the entire generation will perish in the desert. The destruction of the first and second Temple occurred on Tisha B’Av. (That counts as two separate reasons.) The fourth event was that the city of Beitar was captured. And the fifth event was that Yerushalayim was plowed through after the Destruction. It is important to note that all of our problems began with the בכיה של חינם, “crying for nothing” on Tisha B’Av night in the desert. Hashem said that because you cried for nothing, this will be a day of crying for generations.
As we reflect on the lessons of this saddest day of the year, we should learn how disastrous it can be when we do not learn how to appreciate what we have. If we stop looking at what others have, and stop feeling sorry for ourselves, we will avoid, “crying for nothing.”
In a world of entitlement, where there is a great lacking
in showing appreciation and gratitude, this message rings true.
We pray for the Redemption to come, but we must not block it, by falling into the same trap as the generation of the desert. No more tears of self pity and feeling that life has been unkind to us. We pray that we will cry “tears of joy” as we see all of the Jews coming home and witnessing the rebuilding of the Third Temple.