The Trumpets

There is an amazing commentary of the Malbim related to the חצוצרות, the trumpets. There was a commandment to make two חצוצרות in the desert that were used to give instructions to the various tribes.

The Malbim wrote that there was a hint to what will happen in Messianic times. In 10:9 it speaks of a future war with an enemy that is צורר אתכם, oppressing you. This enemy will wish to drive Israel out of their Land.

At that time, we will blow these trumpets and we will be remembered and saved by Hashem. The Malbim describes a war that will threaten Israel as it passes through the Land. It sounds very much like a nuclear war where Hashem will set up walls of protection.

Those in Israel will not be touched and the danger will “pass over” Israel.

What makes this commentary so fascinating is that the Malbim lived in the middle of the nineteenth century.

This is another proof that if we put our faith in Hashem, and live in Eretz Yisrael, we have nothing to fear, and we will receive Divine protection.


ויהי בנסוע הארון


Being Joyful