Being Joyful
There is a discussion at the end of פרשת בהעלותך regarding the prophecy of Moshe Rabbeinu in comparison with other prophets.
Moshe was able to speak with Hashem any time he wanted, while the other prophets had to work very hard to be able to communicate directly with Hashem.
Perhaps the most important prerequisite for prophecy, was being in a state of joy. One needed to lift his spirits so that he was in the right frame of mind for prophecy.
It is important for every Jew to observe the commandments. This allows the Mitzvot to bear fruit. This also shows how much we appreciate our Torah.
The Ari Hakadosh once said that one should feel happier doing Mitzvot than earning a thousand gold dinar.
There is a well known story in the Talmud about two men who were granted entry into עולם הבא. Their main merit was that their love for humor was able to lift the spirits of the downtrodden and sad individuals.
Serving Hashem with joy and remaining in a happy state of mind, is the way the Torah was meant to be observed.