Separating from Impurity
There is a reference to laws concerning purity and impurity at the end of שמיני and in this coming week’s Parshiot of תזריע-מצורע.
Among the less mentioned points is a reference to the laws of Family Purity. A couple who observe these laws meticulously, are careful to separate even before the onset of menstrual blood. They do this to be certain there isn’t even an accidental violation of Nidda laws.
This is learned from the words, להבדיל בין הטמא ובין הטהור, “to separate between the pure and the impure.”
There are two rewards for taking such care. The first is that a couple will be blessed with בנים זכרים, male children. And the second reward is that these sons will grow to be learned enough להורות, to teach. In another Pasuk it says להבדיל ולהורות, to separate and to teach, which is the reason for this derivation.
There is even another סגולה mentioned in relation with להבדיל בין הטמא, to separate between the unclean. It is taken to refer to Havdalla on Saturday night. If one makes it on wine, he will also be blessed with בנים זכרים.
Whether one is into “Segulot” or not, it is very important to take the laws of Family Purity as well as other laws, very seriously.