Spirituality of Eretz Yisrael
In this coming week’s Parshiot of תזריע-מצורע, the theme is clearly, purification. It speaks of the woman who has given birth, the leper, and the זב and זבה. Each had to go through a process of purification in order to be reinstated as part of the community, that included quarantine, soul searching, and the offering of sacrifices.
When the Torah described potential leprous sightings on the walls of one’s home, the section begins with the words, כי תבואו אל הארץ, “when you enter the Land.”
Rabbi Elie Munk in קול התורה, explains that the entrance into the Land represents the real possibility of attaining spiritual perfection unattainable anywhere else in the world. Therefore, there needed to be a serious cleansing of the impurities left by the כנעני and other decadent societies.
A message of Yom Ha’atzmaut that is often forgotten is that living in Israel provides a Jew with the greatest potential of getting closer to Hashem and growing spiritually.
If the שכינה, Divine Presence, rests in Israel, wouldn’t want to be in a place where he can feel G-D’s Presence. If there is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Yisrael, wouldn’t want to study in the holiest environment? And if there are more Mitzvot that can be observed in Israel than in the Diaspora, wouldn’t one want to be in the place where he can observe the most Mitzvot?
Yom Haatzmaut that we celebrate tonight and tomorrow should also be viewed as a day of appreciation to G-d for establishing a Jewish State where these spiritual pursuits can now be realized.
It is my hope and prayer that all Jews who are sincere and devoted in their service of Hashem, will open their eyes and realize that they need to be living in the place where this devotion can be elevated. Chag Sameach!