Israel and Its Neighbors
In Moshe Rabbeinu’s address to the nation, he sets the record straight in terms of how to relate to the surrounding nations.
There was a degree of loyalty they needed to show to the descendants of Lot. This included Ammon and Moav, that Israel was not permitted to attack. In addition, Ruth and Naama Haomonit, descended from them. Naama was one of the wives of Shlomo Hamelech, and the mother of King Rechavam.
The family of Eisav, also known as Edom, were also meant to maintain peaceful relations with Israel. He lived in the area of Seir, which is not far from Eilat.
The קיני, קניזי, and קדמוני, were actually Moav, Ammon, and Seir. It is interesting to note that the גרגשי were never heard from again, as they elected to accept the offer to leave Eretz Yisrael.
The attitude towards Yishmael was different. They were disowned by Avraham Avinu, and were not connected any longer with עם ישראל.
This is also an indication that relations between Israel and Yishmael, were not that cordial. It was said by the בעל הטורים that the Mashiach can only come when Yishmael is subdued.