Why Did Moshe Want to Enter the Land

This week begins the שבעה דנחמתא, seven weeks of comfort as there are seven Haftarot in Isaiah describing the future redemption. The Shabbat is called, שבת נחמו, the Shabbat of comfort.

Moshe Rabbeinu describes how he continued to beseech Hashem to reconsider and allow him to enter Eretz Yisrael. He repeatedly asked for forgiveness for his sin of hitting the rock.

Some say the reason he wanted to enter Israel, was simply because there was the potential to observe more Mitzvot there. Rabbi Elie Munk, in his קול התורה, gives a deeper explanation that is very significant for us as well.

Because of Moshe’s close relationship with Hashem, he understood what Eretz Yisrael represented in terms of עבודת ה׳, worshipping G-d. Moshe realized that in Israel the name of Hashem would be worshipped in its perfect state.

This meant that the holiness of the Land created a direct connection without the impurities of the Galut. Moshe’s wish was for not only the nation feeling that special closeness with Hashem, but he wanted Hashem to be worshipped in the manner that was intended.

Perhaps this is what the Prophet Yechezkel meant when he prophesied, that the time will come when, “You will be My people, and I will be your G-d.”

Moshe was answered that this was not yet the time. The message, however, is clear. Eretz Yisrael is the only place where one can feel the ultimate closeness with Hashem. Shabbat Shalom


The Fifteenth of Av


Israel and Its Neighbors