The Elevated State At Sinai
The Revelation at Mount Sinai was the greatest day in human history. Every Jew stood there either in body or spirit. They merited hearing the first two of the Ten Commandments directly from Hashem.
They were elevated to an extremely high spiritual level. At that moment, the sin of Adam and Eve was rectified. Had they not sinned with the Golden Calf, death would have been abolished forever.
Mount Sinai represents our receiving the greatest gift given to man. This was the Torah. The Midrash describes the Torah as the blueprint of the world. Everything is contained in it, including all past, present, and future events. It was compared to an architect making plans to build a building. Every detail is thought of, before actual construction begins.
We are meant to believe that the laws that we are commanded to follow, are a fulfillment of Hashem’s will as to how we are to act in this world.
We are repeatedly reminded how good it will be for us, if we would only observe the commandments. The world has now made a huge change where there is a realization that a world without G-d, and the morality taught in the Torah, leads to chaos and insanity.
People tend to search for meaning, happiness, and peace of mind. They need to be reminded that they have right in front of them, everything that will help them acquire these things.
It all began at Sinai, but it is up to us to keep that covenant alive.