The Gift of Teshuva
The Rambam discusses in great depth, the concept of Teshuva, repentance. Although he felt that the essence of Teshuva is Viduy, or confession, he devoted ten chapters to this subject.
He emphasized that we should be aware of this Mitzva at all times. A major aspect of our religious observance involves a constant attempt at self improvement.
Nevertheless, by the kindness of Hashem, we are granted a particular time of year, when He reaches out to us, so that we become closer to Him. These are the עשרת ימי תשובה, the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We fill these days with Selichot and additional special prayers. We make an extra effort to be on our best behavior. It is true that we are being judged at this time, and our sincere effort to return to G-d is extremely important in determining our future. But it is also important to see this time period as a gift from G-d, to allow us to clean our slate and be granted another chance to get things right.
We must be grateful and take advantage of this opportunity. We should never allow ourselves to think that our situation is hopeless and beyond repair. The power of Teshuva can reap incredible rewards. As the Torah says, “This matter (Teshuva) is very close to you. It is in your mouth and in your heart to do.” It is much easier than we think to be able to improve our lives and achieve joy and peace of mind. May we all be successful in this holy mission.