The Ultimate Joy
The Messilat Yesharim is a book that is a step by step process towards higher and higher levels of spirituality. The end of the book speaks of the great rewards when one applies himself towards serving Hashem to the best of his ability. The Ramchal, the book’s author ends with an extremely important point.
The desire of every human being is to feel a constant sense of joy and peace of mind. How wonderful it would be to live with no fears or worries.
There is only one way to actually achieve this level of contentment. There is no other pursuit possible in this world that can have this effect-especially for a Jew. This can be achieved by developing an unshakable bond with G-d. There are a number of people that are in this constant state of bliss. They are able to push aside the materialism and foolishness of this world. They are in a state of awareness how precious this bond is with Hashem, and they will not allow themselves to be distanced from Him. They feel protected and all that matters, is doing acts that are pleasing to the Creator.
King David expressed this numerous times in the Book of Psalms. He spoke of how closeness to Hashem was good. This was his one request, to dwell in the House of G-d all the days of his life.
We must certainly remember this message. There is nothing in this world that can give peace of mind and contentment except for serving Hashem, and developing a closeness to Him. This should be the focus of our prayers as we enter the High Holiday season. There is nothing more important in this world.