צדיק גוזר

The Midrash Rabbah points out that the Red Sea was reluctant to split. It was only after Moshe was commanded to raise his staff over the sea, did the sea actually split.

The point of the Midrash is to show the power of the צדיק. Chazal say, צדיק גוזר והקדוש ברוך הוא מקיים, that a righteous person decrees, and Hashem fulfills.

A true Tzaddik is even able to change the laws of nature. This is why the Gemara in בבא בתרא tells us that if one has a loved one who is sick, he should seek a Tzaddik to pray for him.

Men like Rav Elazar Abuchatzeira זצ״ל, were capable of shaking up the very heavens. Numerous stories have been told of great holy people, whose prayers shocked the doctors, who had given up on their patients.

The splitting of the Red Sea had this important message of צדיק גוזר והקדוש ברוך הוא מקיים.


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