No Amalekite Converts

Regarding Amalek, there is a somewhat surprising commentary from the מכילתא. In the name of רבי אליעזר it is said, that Hashem swore in the name of His כסא הכבוד, throne of glory, that if any Gentile comes from any part of the world, we are to accept them as part of עם ישראל. However, if that individual is a descendant of Amalek, we reject his intention to convert.

I often use our openness to accept anyone to become part of the Jewish people, as proof that Judaism is not racist. All we need to do is verify that his intentions are sincere, and he becomes a Jew. His shape, size, and color, is irrelevant to us.

Nevertheless, when it comes to an Amalekite, he is not welcome and is turned away.

We must be aware that there exists real evil in this world. The essence of Amalek was pure evil. Unlike others who yearn to become part of the holiness of the Torah and the Jewish people, the Amalekite is not capable of achieving this holiness.

Perhaps we can find some comfort in the fact that there are no longer Amalekites in the world. But the awareness of the concept of Amalek must be realized, so that we are still able to blot out even the memory of Amalek.


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