To Know and Love G-d

Some commentators view פרשת וארא as the beginning of our becoming a nation. Moshe Rabbeinu receives the four promises of redemption and the plagues begin to hit Egypt.

These plagues lasted for nearly a year, and each plague lasted for one week, with intervals in between. After the third plague of כינים, lice, the Jews no longer had to work as slaves.

Moshe was told by Hashem that not only would the Egyptians learn that He was the true G-d, but every Jew needed to be aware of the words, וידעתם כי אני ה׳, that you must know that I am G-d.

The Rambam writes that this concept of לדעת את ה׳, to know G-d, as well as אהבת ה׳, are the basic foundations of Judaism.

One must not only be aware of Hashem’s existence, but one must be active in trying to develop a closer connection. No man can truly know G-d, but as we elevate ourselves, we get more and more knowledge of Hashem’s ways. And when we recognize Hashem’s kindness towards us, it helps our love for Him to grow.

In essence, this is what Moshe was instructing עם ישראל. Start working on this lifelong goal of knowing and loving Hashem.


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