Nobody Lives Forever

Shavua Tov-

We read in פרשת וילך how Moshe Rabbeinu tells the nation that now that he has reached the age of 120, he is no longer able, לצאת ולבוא. This is literally translated as “going in and going out.” This is surprising, as it indicates that Moshe’s health declined. We know this is not the case as we are told that he did not weaken at all.

The reference here is that Moshe’s ability to reach the higher realms of Torah study, was blocked from him. This was his notification that it was time to leave this world. He was no longer the teacher of Israel. He needed to hand over the reins to Yehoshua.

The lesson here is that no one is indispensable and everyone’s stay in this world, is limited. This teaches us the importance of each of us trying to reach their potential. And it also teaches that we need to groom our next Yehoshua to carry the torch to the next generation.




צום גדליה