In פרשת וילך, we learn of a ceremony called, “הקהל.” This took place during Succot on the year following Shmitta. This means that next year on Succot, there will be some kind of הקהל ceremony.
In the Beit Hamikdash, a special platform was built, where the king read important passages from the Torah.
It was a very majestic ceremony seeing an acknowledgement of the virtues of the Torah, by the leader of Israel. What is strange about this event, is that parents were instructed to bring their small children, to observe what was going on.
It was understood that these children were likely to disturb their parents’ concentration. Nevertheless, it was considered more important for their “Chinuch” to be impressed by the sanctity of the moment. From here we learn a good lesson in child rearing. It is a good idea to expose children at a young age to the synagogue, yeshiva, or meeting saintly people. Even though they are small, it leaves a lasting impression. This was learned from the details involved in the הקהל ceremony.