Keep a Low Profile

The famine that Yosef predicted spread throughout the world. The Torah tells us that when it reached Canaan where Yakov lived, he comforted his family.

He told them, למה תתראו, “Why should you be afraid?” Rashi tells us that they actually still had food, and they were not in a desperate situation. They were not starving and were provided for by Hashem.

Nevertheless, Yakov tried to teach his children a message for all generations. He was telling them that they should take great care not to arouse the jealousy of the nations around them.

It would create very bad feelings if everyone around them was desperate for food, while the Jews had plenty. This would likely create a sentiment of anti-semitism with an attitude that the Jews have all the money.

Jews were supposed to learn that when they are living among the nations, they needed to keep a low profile and not show off their wealth. They were to take great care not to arouse the jealousy of the nations. Such anti-Jewish sentiments could translate into physical harm and discrimination against the Jewish people.

It is always important to be modest and humble. But it is especially important in showing this modesty and humility, when it comes to showing off wealth. If this is not done, it could have disastrous consequences.


Maintaining Self Esteem


Being “In Denial”