Psalm 92

There is an interesting Midrash connected with Psalm 92 from תהילים, that begins with the words, מזמור שיר ליום השבת. Even though we attribute תהילים to King David, this particular chapter is attributed to אדם הראשון.

It is noteworthy that the contents of this psalm, do not mention Shabbat at all. It is more or less a praising of Hashem for his kindness and faithfulness.

The Midrash explains that Adam was told that if he eats of the forbidden fruit, he will die. He ate the fruit on Friday, and was meant to be put to death on Shabbat.

Just like Shabbat pleaded for a partner, for all the other days of the week had a partner, and Hashem gave עם ישראל to be Shabbat’s partner, Shabbat made another plea.

Shabbat asked that Adam be forgiven because it did not want to be known as the day when Adam was executed. Hashem agreed to forgive Adam.

To Adam’s great delight, he sang praises to יום השבת, the Day of Shabbat, who saved his life. And, of course, he gave thanks to Hashem for His kindness in agreeing to forgive him. This is a very interesting Midrash, indeed.


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