Torah is Truth
Shavua Tov-
We learn by way of רמז, hinting, that the foundation of the Torah is אמת, truth.
The last letter of the first three words of the Torah, בראשית ברא אלוקים, spell the word, אמת. Similarly, the last three words at the end of the section on creation, ends with the words, ברא אלוקים לעשות. Again, the last letters of these words, spell אמת, truth.
Rabbi Twerski explains that the foundation of the Torah is אמת. The reason for this is that we believe that truth is absolute. It is not relative. We say that משה אמת ותורתו אמת, that Moshe is truth and his Torah is truth.
We also note that the word, אמת, comes from the beginning, middle, and end of the א׳ב׳. The word, שקר, meaning, falsehood, all come from the end of the א׳ב׳. They have nothing to stand on, because they represent lies and negativity.
We must remember that the Torah is אמת. And the study of Torah and Talmud, is an exercise in the pursuit of truth.