One of the materials used to build the Mishkan was עורות תחשים, the skins of the תחש. It is not really clear what type of animal the תחש was. Some describe it as a kind of seal, while others a kind of goat.
There is also some debate as to whether the תחש was in the category of חיה, a non-domesticated animal, and therefore, forbidden as a קרבן, or, a בהמה, and sacrifice worthy.
We know it had to be a kosher animal. Otherwise, its skins would not be used to make curtains. It is assumed that it was around during the forty years in the desert, and ultimately became extinct. This assumption is made based on the fact that it was not enumerated among the kosher animals.
Like the שמיר that was a magical type of worm used to cut rock in Solomon’s Temple, Hashem made the תחש available to help complete the Mishkan.
When these magical animals had served their purpose, they no longer existed.