Artificial Spiritual High

Rabbi Twerski has a novel interpretation of the sin of Nadav and Avihu, and what caused them to lose their lives.

While most are aware that the primary reason given for their punishment, is that they entered the holy Sanctuary, as שתויי יין, in a somewhat drunken state. The reason for this is that this episode is followed by the commandment not to serve in the Temple under the influence of wine.

Because of Rabbi Twerski’s experience with drug and alcohol addiction, he gave the following explanation. People use drugs or alcohol, to achieve a quick, artificial high. It is a substitute for the years that a true Tzaddik invests in serving Hashem, when he achieves a genuine, unaided, spiritual high.

Nadav and Avihu should have had the confidence that they could feel Hashem’s Presence, without the aid of the influence of the alcohol in wine. This greatly tainted the dedication of the Mishkan, and for this they paid with their lives.


Accepting G-D’s Will


Aharon’s Empathy