The Shechina in Galut
After Yakov is reunited with Yosef, he is told by Hashem that he is to live the remainder of his life in Egypt. In actuality, these last seventeen years of his life, proved to be Yakov’s happiest years. Nevertheless, the request to leave Israel for the decadence of Egypt, was met with a great deal of apprehension. The Torah tells us that Hashem told Yakov, not to be afraid of going down to Egypt. Because he is reassured with the words, אני ארד עמך מצרימה, that Hashem is telling Yakov that He will go down with him. From here, we learn the idea that when the Jews were in Galut, the Shechina, Divine Presence, was with them, to help through all of the difficulties. Four exiles were predicted even in Avraham’s time: Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and Rome. While many believe we are still in the Galut of Rome, many others believe that since the Geula, Redemption, has begun, the Shechina has returned to the Land of Israel. This is a clear sign that the Galut is ending. It is time for all Jews to come home to Israel, as they can again bask in the glory of the Divine Presence. Hashem is making this clear through world events, including anti-semitism. It is clearly time to go home.